The regular arrival of TUGBoat is always welcome, and a chance for an interesting read. Everyone will have their favourite entry, but I thought I’d pick out one or two highlights.
Hans Hagen writes about creating e-books using ConTeXt. Now, there is a lot of very good information in the article about the problems at hand. However, what makes it a highlight for me is the take he has on the e-book concept. There are a lot of very good points about the limits of an electronic book: for example, drop a book and it will be fine, drop an e-book …
Another highlight for me is not an original article but a reprint. Now reprints on TeX topics are not unusual, but in this case they’ve looked a bit wider and included one from Print, a magazine dedicated to visual design. Looking at books as design objects, rather than as something to code, is a refreshing change (at least for me)!
The third highlight for me is not a single article, but a set of book reviews. Boris Veytsman has taken on the task of co-ordinating (and often writing) reviews, and the current TUGBoat includes four. Hopefully this will be a regular feature, and help keep us all up to date with what’s going on in print for both TeX users and the wider world.