I’ve looked over the last few days at some issues centring on writing a CV in LaTeX, first looking at the wider picture, then at creating a CV using custom macros and most recently at including a list of publications. To round things off, I’m going to create a short example: the source of my own CV cut down to a blog post. Before I do that, I’d point out that everyone’s CV is different, and while my approach makes sense for me it should be seen very much as something to pick up ideas from more than any form of template.
Package loading
I’ll start as before by loading the article class and setting up some fonts. To allow a bit of flexibility, here I’ve made LuaLaTeX optional, so that the file can be processed, for example, using TeX4ht. As far as possible, the look will be the same with pdfLaTeX or LuaLaTeX (as I said earlier, I use LuaLaTeX for my CV as it makes some aspects of the real thing easier).
\setmainfont[Ligatures = TeX,Numbers = OldStyle]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setsansfont[Ligatures = TeX]{TeX Gyre Adventor}
\setmonofont[Ligatures = TeX]{Inconsolata}
The next phase is to load the rest of the support needed, with hyperref
last as this is usually the best idea.
Appearance adjustments
Setting up hyperref
is easy, so that is done next.
hidelinks = true ,
pdfauthor = Joseph Wright ,
pdftitle = Curriculum Vitae
Now there is some adjustment of the appearance. The page size is adjusted, and as I described in part 2 I set up a custom appearance for sections and subsections. I also miss out page numbers (which should not really be needed in a two page CV), and alter spacing a little.
a4paper ,
nohead ,
nofoot ,
hmargin = 1.5cm ,
vmargin = 2cm
\titleformat{\section}{\Large\bfseries\sffamily}{}{0 em}
\titleline{\leaders\hrule height 0.6 em\hfill\kern 0 pt\relax}%
\vspace{-1.2 em}%
\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\itshape}{}{0 em}{}
Specialist macros
Now comes some custom code, first for publications as I described in part 3.
{\item \href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{\ignorespaces#2\unskip.}}
\addfontfeature{Numbers = Lining}%
Next is the set up for the tabular nature of the CV. The text used here sets the width of the left-hand column, so may need to be adjusted to suite whatever is the widest thing you actually use!
\settowidth{\sidewidth}{\textbf{Professional bodies}\hspace{0.75 em}}%
\setlength{\mainwidth}{\dimexpr\linewidth - \sidewidth\relax}%
Finally for the preamble, the macros which actually go into the body of the CV .
\llap{\ding{72}\hspace*{0.2 em}}%
The document body
There is not so much you can say about the body of the CV! As described before, I start of with some general contact details.
% Title block
\textbf{Joseph Wright} \\
School of Chemistry \\
University of East Anglia \\
Norwich NR4 7TJ \\
Tel.: 01603 592902 \\
Mobile: 0797 414 8180 \\
{\texttt{joseph.wright@uea.ac.uk}} \\
Joseph Alexander Wright
The first of several sections. Here, I’ve taken one which also has subsections, which work in the normal way.
\section{Employment history}
\subsection{Current position}
2008-- &
\headline{PDRA -- University of East Anglia} \par
Supervisor Prof.~C.~J.~Pickett \par
Studies on [Fe]- and [FeFe]-hydrogenase active sites mimics \par
Synthesis of novel ligands and model compounds \par
Mechanistic studies using stopped-flow UV and IR spectroscopies
\subsection{Previous positions}
2007--2008 &
\headline{Senior Demonstrator -- University of East Anglia} \par
Teaching degree level chemistry:
tutorials and laboratory classes \par
Preparation of M.~Chem.~third year practical course in
organic chemistry
Several more sections would now follow, but I’ll leave this to the imagination.
\section{Academic history}
I find that it’s best to start a publication list on a new page, as I have quite a lot. In the UK, this list does not count as part of the general CV, so is allowed to go beyond two pages. As I said in part 3 of the series, it’s often useful to have this list as a separate file.
\section{List of Publications}
\begin{etaremune}[start = 45] % Remember to adjust this
\papertitle{Paramagnetic Bridging Hydrides of Relevance to Catalytic
Hydrogen Evolution at Metallosulfur Centers}, A.~Jablonskyt{\.e},
J.\,A.~Wright, S.\,A.~Fairhurst, J.\,N.\,T.~Peck, S.\,K.~Ibrahim,
V.\,S.~Oganesyan, and C.\,J.~Pickett, \emph{J.~Am. Chem. Soc.},
in press
\papertitle{The role of CN and CO ligands in the vibrational relaxation
dynamics of model compounds of the [FeFe]-\break hydrogenase enzyme},
S.~Kaziannis, J.\,A.~Wright, M.~Candelaresi, R.~Kania, G.\,M.~Greetham,
A.\,W.~Parker, C.\,J.~Pickett and N.\,T.~Hunt
\emph{Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.}, 2011, \textbf{13}, 10295--10305